Fire Alarm Systems: How a Fire Alarm System Works
When you think about the parts of your home or business that keep you protected , you may skip right over the system that quietly protects you from the potential dangers of smoke inhalation and fire: your fire alarm system. Though you may never use it until it's alerting you of a possible fire in your home or office, it's quietly working to keep you, your family and/or your employees safe from harm. But how does a fire alarm system work, exactly? What sets the entire process into motion? There are a few different fire alarm system types, so there are some different ways the systems could work to protect you. An M alarm is activated manually. In buildings that have these kinds of systems, they can usually be found in hallways, nearby stairwells , and close to emergency exits. These kinds of alarms are tripped by a person pulling down on a lever, so there is no technology in place to detect smoke or automatically set off an alarm. Another type of ...